Anyway.. Animethon 21 was really enjoyable this year; it was my second time attending Animethon and it felt like I enjoyed it more than last year as I was able to get some hotel rooms booked with my friends in the university residence! (Therefore we could party all night and just walk to get back home after the late night events! :P) Anyway, I do have to admit that one of the best things about Animethon is again, volunteering!! I was one of the people responsible for registering the customers~ woohoo! I love greeting people and making them feel warm and happy inside- plus, it was really fun to get productive and efficient to shorten up the line!! Yay~ I hope the people didn't feel frustrated as last year (there was a super long line last year when I was volunteering.. gosh...)!
Spot me working at the Registration Desk! It was so fun greeting people and welcoming them to Animethon :-) |
I got a looooong line of customers! :D |
Ah.. ha.. ha.. I laugh at my horrible photo-editing skills! >"< please forgive me~ the old background was not nice at all so this is still better than the last one... |
My friend got these pictures as I was posing for another like 2 or 3 cameras who asked to get pictures of me.. so that's why I'm not looking at the camera!
Kuroko (me) and Ryuko Matoi (one of my friends) <3 |
Me and my friends went to more events than last year.. such as a film, a game, a panel with introduction to voice-acting, Masquerade Ball, An Cafe's concert, Magistima Saga's concert, Yukino 's Guest Autograph, and of course, must visit the vendor's hall and Artists' Alley for sure! Volunteers also got free food provided this year, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.. I wouldn't say the food is the best, but it's edible and still fulfills a meal, although me and friends do go to other restaurants for more bites! :)
Here's my haul from Animethon!!
Now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever said I am near-sighted? Here's me and my friends, just sitting on the ground, waiting for the line up to watch the Talent Show (with An Cafe as the judges)! Exploited- my nerdy glasses- GAH! P.S., we tend to wear casual clothes on Sunday (last and 3rd day of Animethon) because it's our shopping day and there are less events :')
Well, that's it for this post! :D Have you ever been to an anime convention??
Until next time~
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